We want our children to be passionate scientists, enthused by a hands-on, enquiry-based curriculum that nurtures curiosity and questioning. We encourage pupils to explore and discover the world around them; develop their ability to predict and rationally explain ideas; and establish and extend their understanding of the knowledge, processes, methods and uses of science.
Our science intent
· Follow a progressive science curriculum that meets the needs of all pupils.
· Working scientifically principles are embedded into lessons to foster the children’s development of scientific knowledge, conceptual understanding and ability to think and act scientifically.
· Children begin their formal science learning in EYFS. During this time, they are supported to develop a broad scientific vocabulary and are provided experiences of the phenomena children will learn about later in primary. They are encouraged to follow their own line of enquiry, by participating in child- initiated investigations. They ask their own questions and select tools and equipment to conduct their experiments.
· Develop a broad vocabulary of science which will enable them to articulate their understanding of taught concepts.
· Use a range of investigations and practical activities giving them a greater understanding of the concepts and knowledge of science.
· Be equipped with the knowledge required to appreciate and understand the contribution science makes to all aspects of everyday life.
· Build on their curiosity and sense of awe of the natural world.
· Full use is made of the outside area where appropriate.
Our science implementation
Programme: In Key stage 1 we follow the Primary National Curriculum for all aspects of the Science Curriculum. Within EYFS, science plays a key part within ‘Knowledge and Understanding of the World’ and plays a vital part within the exploration, learning and play of younger children. As well as the scientific knowledge, children begin to understand ‘working scientifically’ whereby appropriate to their developmental stage beginning to develop a curiosity about natural phenomena.
Timetabling: Science is taught weekly, allowing children to develop their knowledge and skills effectively while also maintaining knowledge from previous learning.
· We teach scientific concepts through the use of first-hand practical experiences, stories, using our school grounds and also through educational visits. As well as using appropriate secondary sources, such as books, photographs and videos to support children’s learning. We also invite visitors such to enhance the classroom learning.
· We use Plan Primary Science Resources and Explorify to support the planning, teaching and assessment of science.
· We give children opportunities to develop their understanding of different scientific ideas by using different types of scientific enquiry to answer questions. These include observing changes over a period of time, noticing patterns, making links as well as grouping and classifying things.
· We plan for high level vocabulary that is suitable yet challenging for our children. Jumpstart vocabulary related to the unit is shared at the beginning of the unit. Classroom display of vocabulary, skills and knowledge in the unit. We use resources such as Explorify, to promote scientific talk and discussion in class. We encourage our children to use simple scientific language to talk about what they have found out and communicate and record their ideas and findings in a variety of ways.
Our science impact
· We observe children during set independent activities to see how they are using the new vocabulary they have been introduced to, and to see their understanding of what has been taught.
· We encourage the children to talk during class discussions, group and paired work.
· Pupil voice is collected frequently and comments are added to children’s books and our working walls.
· We also collect photographic evidence which is recorded in our children’s books.