Our Curriculum

At Willow Bank Infant School we are committed to delivering a thorough, high-quality education for all children. Our staff are dedicated to ensuring that the curriculum is exciting and dynamic, engaging and maximises the progress and potential of all pupils.

Our provision is child-centred, creative and innovative, fostering curiosity and a love of learning. As a school, we look to the future and aim to prepare our children to be resilient, reflective learners able to adapt and thrive in an ever-changing world.

In order to successfully achieve this for all pupils, Willow Bank Infant School delivers a curriculum that has clear progression through knowledge, skills and understanding and provides opportunities for children to embed this knowledge in their long term memory. 



In the Foundation Stage, children will experience learning and tasks linked to the following seven Early Learning Goals (ELGs):

  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development 
  • Physical Development
  • Communication and Language development
  • Literacy
  • Mathematics 
  • Understanding the World
  • Expressive Arts and Design
The teaching team will plan purposefully for children to be taught through lessons as well as by learning through play based on these seven areas of learning. This gives children the opportunity to think creatively and critically whilst practising new skills, building on existing learning and pursuing their individual interests. Trips and visitors linked to these areas also develops children's awe and wonder and brings this learning to life. 


Key Stage 1 

In Years 1 and 2 (Key Stage 1), we follow the National Curriculum, while also enhancing and enriching the curriculum content in many ways to meet the needs of the children's learning and interests. Some examples include: our cooperative and collaborative working with other schools and initiatives, organising educational visits, school performances, visitors invited into school to share experiences, Afterschool Clubs and Inter-school competitions.

We use multiple strategies and approaches to support children’s learning, for example, using books from the RWI Reading Scheme to ensure that children learn to read using books best suited to them, and similarly, with Phonics, using the Read Write Inc system of Phonics teaching to create a learning experience that suits each child.

The values that we strive for at Willow Bank Infant School, together with the curriculum, create a welcoming and inviting school environment in which children feel safe and happy, where modern pace and traditional values come together to help children achieve their full potential.


British Values

It is important for children to be aware of British Values and develop an understanding of modern Britain and the contribution each individual can make to society. We develop children's understanding of British Values by regularly incorporating this teaching into our curriculum content and learning experiences.