Our School, Vision and Values

Willow Bank Infant School

We are a small, family oriented school with two classes per year groups EYFS, Year 1 and Year 2. We provide an interesting, challenging and broad curriculum that caters for all abilities and strives to match children's individual interests and motivations. We have high expectations of the children’s social and academic development and we are proud that Ofsted agreed that our children are courteous, respectful and their positive attitudes to learning are very good.
At Willow Bank Infant School we are dedicated to developing the ‘whole’ child, both personally and academically in a safe, secure, happy and stimulating environment, so that they have a real love of learning, feel valued as an individual, grow in confidence and enjoy coming to school.

The children's learning is well supported by our dedicated staff team and governors, as well as their enthusiastic parents. We work together to develop children socially, by consistently modelling and helping them to work as a team, to be independent, responsible and resilient and prepared to have a go. We develop and nurture kind and caring children who support one another's achievements.

There are many extra-curricular activities run by staff and external providers after school, and wrap around care with a breakfast club and after school club. We enjoy having themed days and there is also an extremely active School’s Association who provide fun activities such as discos and family film nights. Furthermore, we are proud to have retained our ICT Mark and National Healthy Schools’ Standard designation.
Mrs N Taylor-Dickens    


Our School Vision


At Willow Bank Infant School we expect that every child will leave our school feeling happy, safe and ready for the next stage of their journey through education.


Willow Bank Infant School is an inclusive, inviting environment where we view all of our children as individuals. Our dedicated Staff and Governing Body strive to uphold and develop our core provision and we work hard to develop strong partnership-based relationships with all of our key stakeholders to create a caring family environment.


Our School Values


We are proud of our school values which underpin everything we teach at Willow Bank Infant School. They are:

  • Kindness
  • Respect
  • Resilience
  • Community
  • Independence
  • Bravery